Sunday, October 27, 2013

Leaving America: The Flight Over

So maybe this post should have been one of the first posts but it is kind of a sore subject so I talk about it as little as I can.  While I am having a good time and an experience of my life, I never thought I would travel this far from home for this long. For anyone who knows me, I think it is safe to say that I am a very family oriented person and it is hard for me to go two weeks without seeing my family.  (Side note: I think it is very fitting that a song about America just came on my iTunes).  So needless to say the decision to leave my home was a very emotional and tough decision.  It included many sleepless nights, many tears, and a lot of reassurance from friends and family (and of course myself) that this was an experience of a lifetime and while it might hurt some days it will be worth it and I would have an amazing time (which is turning out to be true like I expected)

I think most people when I first told them I was planning this experience, they were truly amazed and I am pretty sure their first reaction was to look at my mom to see if it was true.  While it was an emotional time it was all so very exciting.  I had a lot to do in one month.  I had 22 years of life to fit in just a few suitcases.  Needless to say, space bags were my best friend.  Deciding what to pack was very difficult.  I packed a lot of clothes (space bags helped), a lot of pictures, and a few personal, sentimental items.  This is was I am going to live with for a year.  The decision was a big one.

I was very lucky I was able to choose when I got to Germany and I decided to stay for one extra weekend because it was the weekend of our annual motorcycle party.  This was nice because while it was a separate party it also felt like one of the biggest going away parties ever!   I got to see so many friends and family and I was able to enjoy my last few days in The States.   It truly was amazing to feel the love and excitement from these people.  It made me forget for a moment about how scared, nervous, and truly sad I was about leaving.
Cake from my last day at work from my co-workers

Two days before I left. Party with my closest friends and some family.
I was in great company and it gave me a chance to be truly excited before the big day. However, by the end of the weekend, I was not ready to say goodbye to everyone and it seemed to make something harder.  After a lot of things that had happened this past year a lot of ups and downs made me really afraid to be leaving for a year.  Yes I was planning coming home to visit at least once but of course that does not guarantee that I will see everyone in that time. 

Getting a pass before I head out of the city. Sure am missing Steelers season.
So it is the big day...  Luckily Mom and Denny were able to both take me to the airport which made it easier.  We had most of the day so Mom and I did some last minute errands.  We got one last huge American meal (yeah it wasn't American is was Italian but it was American size).  So we get to the airport early.  This is always the part I hate, having to be there so early then going through customs and then being by myself for at least 2 hours before my flights and layovers that takes all together around 24 hours.  Luckily, being as persuading as they are, Mom and Denny scored to gate passes.  Okay so these passes are usually for children traveling alone so that they are not running around the airport by themselves.  They usually do not give them out to just anyone but because it was an unusual time, United was not busy at all, and like I said Mom and Denny can be very persuading!  I could either feel like a child and be mad and embarrassed or I can be so relieved that I didn't have to say goodbye quite yet.  Of course I was so relieved that it wasn't goodbye yet. So we get through customs, all three of us, and start looking for my gate as well as taking some fun pictures with Pittsburgh icons. With a few hours left we of course take the edge and anxiety off with a beer or two before I left. 
So we relaxed for a few hours not thinking about what was to come next.  
Did I mention I was so relieved that I did not have to spend that time by myself before leaving for a whole year! I could not even imagine how much of a mess I would have been waiting by myself.  Sometimes it pays off to be the baby of the family, okay so maybe most of the time it pays off but this was one big instance where I was so glad that it worked out!
Saying goodbye is by far the hardest thing to ever do!
Boarding the plane from Pittsburgh to Chicago

Let the journey begin!
So I have made this trip a few times before and it is absolutely horrible in my opinion.  Especially this time.  It was the first time I had been in Chicago's airport and let me tell you at 8:30 (not sure of the exact time but it was at night) at night I was not a fan of the craziness!  So if this trip isn't bad enough I had two layovers.  One in Chicago and one in Poland. Then finally I arrived in München (Munich) where I met Markus.  I was happy to have another familiar face to help with the stress.  I then had another 2-3 hour car ride to where I would then be living just to get up early the next day and start work... talk about horrible planning on my part.  It was hard to not have time to relax before starting work but in my case was so worth it to stay home for the family party.  But for anyone else I would advise getting there at least a week in advance! 
On the plane ready to start this new journey!

A nice sunset has to mean good things will come right?

1 comment:

  1. I love you Kk I couldnt say goodbye it was rough. :( I love and miss you.
